Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Chairs

Thanks Nana!
Nana, in North Carolyna thought these shairs were so cool she had them shipped to the kids. Abbi loves them. I'm sure Tanner will soon. They are chairs that turn into backpacks. Abbi made it a chair, then a backpack a million times!


The other day I was getting ready and set Tanner down. He decided to play peek-a-boo with the shower curtain. He thought it was so funny!

What a handsome boy!!! Look at that smile-

Abbi's New Ride

Abbi has the best daddy in the world! We found this bike and Justin decided he wanted to take it apart and fix it up for her.I totally made fun of him the whole time. When he gave it to her I knew I had to shut up. He was so happy and so was she. She loves it and says thank you everyday.

Sedona Trip

As you can see Tanner hated the water. Don't blame him, it was freezing! Crazy Abbi and Dad loved it-
Abbi's attempt to be like daddy and jump off the rocks! I'm in trouble...
Crazy Justin jumping off the cliff. Wonder if he will ever grow up??? I'm sure never- That's why I love him!
Daddy and Abbi playing in the water.
Tanner and I just had fun in the dirt and mud. As long as he didn't touch the water he was happy.
Abbi digging in the mud. She loves to get dirty!

Family Pictures

So, we had our family pics done by a friend that does our babysitting. She is only 15 and what an amazing job she did! Here are some of my favorites.